Tuesday, February 14, 2012

National Parks--#2

The following blog is, more or less, the same blog that I posted
back on 3-11-2011. The reason that I am posting it again is 
because money is tighter now, the economy has bounced and
is coming back. Instead of vacationing at Hotels & Time Shares,
it is time to think of a cheaper way to spend your family vacation 
dollars.Think about Tenting or RV camping for a family adventure.

Nat’l Parks Passports–Best Bargain Going

My friends, If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance 
that you are interested in some thing related to National Parks, 
Monuments or Campgrounds. That is great, you have come to 
the right place. There  are so many National Parks and 
Monuments located throughout these United States that it
would be a shame to bring your children up without introducing 
them to the natural beauty that nature has put right here in our 
great nation. Get yourself motivated and plan to take your family 
to at least one National Park or Monument this year. Go on the
internet first, if you possibly can , and look up the States that you 
wish to visit. Go to your own State and look up “National Parks and 
Monuments”. Pick one that you would like to visit and look up the 
history of it so you will be prepared when you get there.

The government has established the Golden Eagle, GOLDEN 
AGE and GOLDEN ACCESS PASSPORT, that when obtained, 
allows the public to enter fee areas without additional charge. 
This is very convenient when traveling to several areas that 
charge an entrance fee…..Please note that the passports are 
non-transferable. They can not be loaned to someone else. 
The pass belongs to the person who signs it.

Golden Eagle Passport–This is an entrance pass to those 
national parks, monuments, historic sites, recreation areas and
 national wild life refuges that charge an entrance fee. 
The golden Eagle passport costs $50 and is valid for one year
 from date of purchase. You may purchase a Golden Eagle 
Passport at any NPS entrance fee area or by mail. Send a $50 
check or money order (do not send cash) to: National Park 
Service 1100 Ohio Drive, SW Room 138  Washington, DC 20242, 
Attention: Golden Eagle   Passport

The Golden Eagle Passport admits the passholder and any 
accompanying passengers in a private vehicle. Where entry is 
not by private vehicle, the passport admits the passholder,
spouse, children, and parents.
The Golden Eagle Passport does not cover or reduce use fees, 
such as for swimming, camping parking, boat launching, or 
cave tours. It is valid for entrance fees only.

Golden Age Passport–This is a life time entrance pass for those 
62 years or older. The Golden Age passport has a one time 
processing charge of $10.You must purchase a Golden Age 
Passport in person (it is not available by mail or telephone). This 
can be done, at any NPS entrance fee area. At time of purchase 
you must show proof of age (be 62 years or older) and be a 
citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
The golden Age Passport admits the passholder and 
accompanying passengers in a private vehicle. Where entry is 
not in a private vehicle, the passport admits the passholder, 
spouse, children, and parents.
The Golden Age Passport also provides a 50% discount on
 federal use fees charged for facilities and services such as for
 camping, swimming, parking, boat launching, or cave tours. It 
does not cover or reduce special recreation permit fees or fees
 charged by concessioners.

Golden Access Passport–This is a free lifetime entrance pass 
for persons who are blind or permanently disabled. It is 
available to citizens or permanent residents of the United States,
 regardless of age, who have been blind or permanently 
disabled. You may obtain a Golden Access Passport at any 
entrance fee area by showing proof of medically determined 
disability and eligibility for reciving benefits under the federal
The Golden Access Passport admits the passholder and 
accompanying passengers in a private vehicle.Where entry is
 not in a private vehicle, the passport admits the passholder , 
spouse, children, and parents.

The Golden Access Passport also provides  a 50% discount for 
facilities and services such as for camping, swimming, parking,
 boat launching, or cave tours. It does not cover or reduce 
special recreation permit fees or fees charged.

There you are, my friends, an opportunity of a lifetime. A 
chance to visit our National Monuments and National Parks 
throughout this great country of ours, with a small  priced annual 
 pass-port. There are many National Parks and Army Corps of 
Engineers areas that have wonderful campgrounds available at a 
reasonable cost. (Citizens 62 years old and disabled persons get 
a 50% discount) The majority, if not all Nat’l Parks have a tenting  
area. (Most of the A.C.E. campgrounds are on or close to lakes 
for boating etc).
You only have your children with you for such a short period of
time.  Start them out young  so that you can enjoy them. Take
plenty of pictures as a  reminder of all the things that you did and
fun that you had doing it, as a family, When you all get older you 
will be glad that you did !!! 

Happy Trails, My Friends, Happy Trails
Glacier in Alaska

River Boat "Discovery" in Alaska

1,500 Miles of Alaskan Highway
The Kennecott Copper Mine
Grand Canyon from North Rim

1,500 Miles of Alaskan Highway

Niagara Rainbow Falls-Lady of the Mist
The Dalles Dam on the Columbia River
From North Rim of Grand Canyon

Albuqerque Ballon Fedtival

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